Letting Go isn’t Easy

The hardest thing to do is let go of the people you love and care for. Whether it be family or friends. We all have this need to belong. Because no one wants to be alone. So we entertain unhealthy relationships. Hate, deceit and drama fill our worlds. Just to avoid being alone, bored or “unpopular”.

Truth is not everyone is blessed with warm, loving family and friends. Many of us have to deal with hateful sisters, bitter moms or non existent fathers. Friends who are only friends with you for their own personal gain. The fakes that try so hard to be real, but you can see right through them.Yet it is our choice to learn from these experiences and remove ourselves. Or continue to entertain the negativity, until you succumb to it.

You can choose not to accept those kind of people in your life. By removing these kind of people from your surroundings. By any means necessary. Even if they are your family or friends; the people that “love you”. These kind of relationships are unhealthy and must not be entertained. They will only bring you down in the end. Until you realize that you must love these kind of people, from  a “distance”. Not because you are being “funny”. But because you just love you more.

When a person cannot motivate, educate or support you. Its time to let them go. They aren’t for you anymore. And when you can really let go, that is when you know you really love yourself. Because sometimes you need to love you more than you love anyone else. To do whats best for you to live a happy, healthy and successful life.

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