Women and the term “Bitch”

“Bitch” in the dictionary is defined as a female dog.  Yet it’s a derogatory term used by men and even women to describe a woman.  Its actually a disgusting word when you think about it. Just imagine someone calling your mother or daughter that; you would be highly upset.

Men have used it for ages to disrespect women. To call them out their name.  Women use “bitch” to refer to themselves,  their female friends and their counterparts. When we as women were all given a birth name as well as other more respectful terms to be addressed by. 

So we as women should lead by example and respect one another.  Being careful not to use the word “bitch” at all.  After all men are listening to us and will only call us what we call ourselves.  We must show we have respect for ourselves and what we say out our mouths holds a lot of weight.  Being sure to uplift and empower another; not put each other down.  Real men know real women when they see them and they definitely don’t call them “bitches”.

Are Women too “Catty” to Have Real Friendships?

The answer to this question depends on what women we ask. For every women is different and so are friendships.  How each woman make and maintain friendships will vary.  Some are “back stabbers, others “takers”and the rest don’t know what it means to be a real friend.  Thus women aren’t so inclined to trust one another nor do some women even have female friends.

 Yet friendships are great support system when it’s genuine and beneficial to all parties. Some women are just too “catty”, jealous, selfish and deceitful to be friends with.  But then the real women and great friends; fall back from the “friendship scene”. As they fear being betrayed, hurt or used.  So they’d rather stay to themselves or should I say stay in their own lane.  Can you blame them?